Can you believe it, Mother’s Day is almost here and I still haven’t bought my own Mom a card. Now for the hard part, what should I get her for Mother’s Day this year? I just happened to be checking in on one of my favorite bloggers, Emily Dickinson's Gardens and I read about the Mom’s Butterfly bouquet. It’s beautiful.
Teleflora has offered up a beautiful Mom’s Butterfly Bouquet for 5 Minutes For Mom to give away! Retail Value $59.95 You can have it sent to you, or you can have it sent to that special Mom in your life! Of course you can always send it to me if you want.
My husband and I love Teleflora because we know that Teleflora consistently provides truly exceptional gift of flowers relies and attention to detail. Teleflora has been connecting customers with the nation's best florists for more than 70 years. Every gift from Teleflora is personally designed by a florist in your recipient's neighborhood and arrives artistically arranged in a vase.. Your gift of fresh, premium flowers will last longer and will arrive ready to be enjoyed because they are not shipped in boxes from one location. The Teleflora difference means that you can send flowers with the confidence that you're sending the best.
Teleflora guarantees satisfaction with every gift order. If you are not completely satisfied with your gift bouquet or its delivery, please do not hesitate to contact us. If you prefer, you can call Teleflora directly at 1-800-835-3356.
Another great reason to check them out is that Teleflora is also running a Mom’s Shopping Spree Sweepstakes, which kicks off April 20. The grand prize is a $20,000 shopping spree; first and second prizes will be shopping gift cards.
For more about this great giveaway check out Emily Dickinson's Gardens.
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